The OSHA Safety Standard Regulation 29CFR CHXVII Paragraph 1926.302(b)(7) states: All hoses exceeding 1/2-inch inside diameter shall have a safety device at the source of supply or branch line to reduce pressure in case of hose failure.
You can prevent dangerous air hose whips and accidents and protect your most important assets: Your employees and their equipment.
OSHA COMPRESSED AIR SAFETY SHUT-OFF VALVES offers simple but efficient protection to pneumatic systems in the event of a broken compressed air hose or pipe.
Click here to view a PDF with the information you need to meet OSHA standards.
OSHA COMPRESSED AIR SAFETY SHUT-OFF VALVES offers simple but efficient protection to pneumatic systems in the event of a broken compressed air hose or pipe.
Click here to view a PDF with the information you need to meet OSHA standards.
Call us to order the safety valve and reels you need- 1-888-299-9999